Reduce your overall carbohydrate intake, particularly sugars and starches.
Reduce you carbohydrate intake as the day progresses
Increase Protein intake
Reduce your intake of saturated fat
Eat sufficient amounts of good fat each day
Eat five to six small meals per day
Follow a structural resistance training program at least once every week
Perform cardiovascular exercise before breakfast at least three times per week
Wait an hour to eat after exercise (but no longer)
Eat low glycaemic index foods in the morning, during the day and two or three hours before exercise.
Reduce your food quantities as your day progresses
Reduce you carbohydrate intake at night but never avoid them altogether
Store food out of sight
Attempt to eat carbohydrates and protein foods at each meal
Add vinegar to foods to help lower their glycaemic index rating
Do not leave open packets of snack foods in sight
Take your own healthy snacks to work and school
Try to break bad habits or routines. For example, avoid eating when driving , opening the fridge as soon as you walk in the front door, eating a biscuit with your coffee, eating food while watching TV, eating something sweet before bed.
Avoid sugary drinks. Choose water or diet soft drinks.
Avoid all deep-fried foods
Cook extra portions at dinner for lunch the next day.
Work on improving your danger eating times first
Eat a small-carbohydrate, high-protein snack before going out for an evening meal. It will help you avoid eating bread prior to your entree or main meal, if you have not eaten for a number of hours and you are hungry.
When eating takeaway rolls or burgers, open the sandwich and only eat half the bread.

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