Thursday, October 7, 2010

Australian Obesity

Obesity in Australia

Australia is the most obese country in the world.
Recent studies show that 47% of women and 63% of men are overweight or obese. Australians are at the point where it is almost more “normal” to have a weight problem than not.

Over the last decade as a nation, we have continued to gain weight. If the current trend continues, it is estimated that by 2011, 75% of Australians will be above their healthy weight range.

So why are we losing the battle of our waist lines and more importantly, how can we start to reverse this trend?

This website will hopefully inform and guide you through how to live a long and healthy life by maintaining a healthy weight. By educating people on the steps needed to have a healthy lifestyle, as a nation, we can get back to a healthy weight.

This website is also designed to motivate Australian’s by showing that living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be hard! You just need follow some rules, and maintain good habits.


How do you measure up?
Overweight people are supposed to be jolly. In reality, they have little to laugh about.
It is estimated that over 5% of Australian children under five are obese. This is already higher than the USA. Obese children are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems, asthma, diabetes, and abnormal foot stricture, as well as shortness of breath.

There are two categories for excess weight:
 Overweight : classified as being 10% above your ideal weight (based on your BMI )
 Obesity: classified as being 20% or more above your ideal weight.

To check how your current weight rates you need to complete a BMI test:

Calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (Kg)/ Height ² (m²)

Based on your BMI you may be classified as :
Underweight – BMI range 12-17
Healthy weight – BMI range 18-24
Over weight - BMI range 25-29
Obese – BMI range 30-42

Purpose- the Body Mass Index (BMI) gives you a medical rated indication of how your current weight rates on a scale from underweight right through obese. Our aim is to target eating habits and exercise to achieve a healthy weight where your BMI is between 18-24.

Equipment – what you will need to calculate your BMI
• Height measure
• Bathroom scales
• Calculator

1. Remove your shoes
2. Measure your height in metres - ___________m
3. Measure your weight in kilograms - ___________kg
4. Square your weight - _______m²
5. Calculate your Body Mass Index: Weight divided by Height₂

Graph: Your BMI and where you stand on the scales (overweight, healthy weight, underweight).

Think Positive

Losing Weight- Think Positive

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me”

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when we take our eyes off the goals”
“Don’t ask for a light load, but rather for a strong back”

“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”
“Change your thoughts and you change your world”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step”

Top Tips- Losing Weight

Top Tips – Losing Weight

 Reduce your overall carbohydrate intake, particularly sugars and starches.
 Reduce you carbohydrate intake as the day progresses
 Increase Protein intake
 Reduce your intake of saturated fat
 Eat sufficient amounts of good fat each day
 Eat five to six small meals per day
 Follow a structural resistance training program at least once every week
 Perform cardiovascular exercise before breakfast at least three times per week
 Wait an hour to eat after exercise (but no longer)
 Eat low glycaemic index foods in the morning, during the day and two or three hours before exercise.
 Reduce your food quantities as your day progresses
 Reduce you carbohydrate intake at night but never avoid them altogether
 Store food out of sight
 Attempt to eat carbohydrates and protein foods at each meal
 Add vinegar to foods to help lower their glycaemic index rating
 Do not leave open packets of snack foods in sight
 Take your own healthy snacks to work and school
 Try to break bad habits or routines. For example, avoid eating when driving , opening the fridge as soon as you walk in the front door, eating a biscuit with your coffee, eating food while watching TV, eating something sweet before bed.
 Avoid sugary drinks. Choose water or diet soft drinks.
 Avoid all deep-fried foods
 Cook extra portions at dinner for lunch the next day.
 Work on improving your danger eating times first
 Eat a small-carbohydrate, high-protein snack before going out for an evening meal. It will help you avoid eating bread prior to your entree or main meal, if you have not eaten for a number of hours and you are hungry.
 When eating takeaway rolls or burgers, open the sandwich and only eat half the bread.

Energy and Weight


Maintaining weight involves striking a balance between the energy we take in and the energy we use up.

Benefits of Exercise

Benefits of Exercise

Why bother about exercise and fitness anyway? For years, experts around the world have been studying the benefits of fitness. Researchers have compared fit groups of people with unfit groups, studied the changes in people who have become fit, and looked at the deterioration in people who have lost their fitness.

Research has found that the health benefits you gain by being fit are:
• Stronger muscles and bones
• Bigger heart and lungs
• Improved posture and appearance
• Greater resistance to illness and disease
• Improved Sleep
• Improved Self-Image
• Reduced stress and tension
• Less boredom
• Less fatigue
• More opportunities to meet and make friends
• Enjoyment from being part of a team.

In other words, you body works better and you feel better if you are fit. That’s why it is worth using some of your leisure time to improve your fitness.


Why Exercise?
When we eat it provides energy for all our physiological functions, from blinking to sprinting. However if we put in more energy (eat) than we use (exercise), then we gain weight. So exercising is the healthy way to use up the food we eat. It keeps our organ systems healthy and provides us with many physiological benefits.

We all know we need exercise, but what activities will keep us fit and healthy and how often do we need to do them.

We're famous for being a sporting country, but how many of us Aussies live up to our energetic reputation? The bad news is that around 75 per cent of us aren't on the go enough to meet the minimum daily recommendation for exercise ... so here are some good reasons to get off the couch and start moving!

Including physical activity into our daily life can, among other things, substantially reduce the risk of certain cancers and cardiovascular disease. Exercise also gives us a sense of accomplishment, reduces levels of anxiety and depression, and makes us feel alive by increasing our awareness of the world around us.

Why do you need to exercise?
Do we really need to exercise? Sometimes even the thought of it seems hard. The truth of the matter is that you'll be a healthier person for it and not just in terms of cardiovascular fitness. Exercise prevents disease. As an active person, you're less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis, have a stroke or get certain types of cancers, such as colon and breast cancer. Physical inactivity is ranked just behind cigarette smoking as a cause of ill health.

How much exercise do you need?
Just how much exercise do you need to see these benefits? You certainly don't have to join a triathlon club – even moderate exercise such as regular walking or climbing the stairs can be protective no matter how late in life you start.

One thing experts agree on is that your exercise, at the very least, has to be moderately intense and has to be regular. The National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians recommends at a minimum 30 minutes of moderate physical activity – like walking – on most days of the week. How do you know if you're being moderately active? A good test is to see if you can talk easily while you're exercising. If you can, you are exercising at a light to moderate level. Once your breathing makes it too hard to talk, you know you've increased the intensity of your workout!

One thing to remember is that the longer and more intensely you exercise, the greater the benefit. Researchers have found a positive correlation between the length and intensity of physical activity and the reduction in risk of coronary events such as heart attack.

But even short periods of light exercise and daily activities are beneficial if you want to prevent obesity and diabetes. New research shows that sitting around for long periods of time can increase your blood glucose levels – even if you fit a 30 minute session of exercise in – so stay active and complement your 30 minutes of exercise with regular light activity.

If you haven't exercised for a while or you want to significantly increase your exercise level, it is advisable to speak with a health professional about designing an exercise plan. Many injuries are caused by exercising too much, too quickly, or by overuse.

What types of exercise are there?

There are three main types of exercise, each one has a different effect on your body:

Aerobic exercise such as swimming or running increases your cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance. This is the capacity of your heart and lungs to supply oxygen-rich blood to your muscles so they can produce energy for movement over a sustained period.
Flexibility exercises such as yoga and pilates improve the full range of motion of your muscles and joints.
Resistance exercise such as weight-lifting increases your muscle strength by requiring your muscles to lift, push or pull against something. This type of exercise can also increase bone density and help prevent osteoporosis, which is important as you get older.

There are several different ways you can strengthen your muscles:
o Isotonic strength training – during this type of training your muscles shorten as they contract. For example when you flex your bicep muscle or do a sit up. This is the most common type of muscle contraction.
o Isometric strength training – during this training the muscle contracts, but the muscle length remains the same. This type of muscle contraction is popular with bodybuilders and occurs when you try to move an immovable object, like pressing against a door frame.
o Eccentric – this type of training is the opposite of isotonic training. Your muscles lengthen as they contract, for example when you run down hill.
o Isokinetic strength training – this is similar to isotonic training, except that your muscle contracts at an even speed, for example when your arm moves evenly through the water when swimming.

Choose the best exercise for you.

Getting fit
There are several parts to your all over fitness: your cardiorespiratory endurance, your muscular strength and endurance, and your flexibility. Chris Tzar, exercise physiologist from the Lifestyle Clinic at the University of New South Wales, says ideally your exercise regime for getting fit should work on all three types.

"You certainly need strength, cardiovascular endurance and suppleness, but the greater emphasis should be on cardiovascular fitness."

"In terms of health, cardiovascular fitness is one of the greatest predictors of mortality, and has the greatest impact on your ability to do day to day activities. It is recommended you do cardiovascular exercise from between three and five times a week, for either 20 minutes at high intensity or 45 minutes at a lower intensity."
You can test your progress by monitoring your heart rate during exercise. If you do the same exercise every week as a test, your heart rate should be progressively lower week to week as your fitness levels increase.

Strength training
Strength training should pop up in your schedule around two to three times a week. Tzar says the length of your session is less important than making sure you address all the major muscle groups, preferably during exercises that use them simultaneously.
"Strength exercises that use several parts of your body, rather than just isolating one part are better. You're better off mimicking activities that you find in daily living so they help you cope better."

"For older people, strength training is particularly important for bone density, maintaining muscle mass and preventing falls. It's also important in adolescence when your bones are developing their peak density because if you fill the tank up then, your bones will take longer to become osteoporotic in older age."

Tzar says flexibility is important for muscle balance, good posture and joint movement, and helps prevent orthopaedic issues later in life.
"If the muscles around your hip are too tight, for example, this can produce problems in the joint, and can cause the cartilage to wear away."

The ideal combination
Tzar suggests a combination of walking or jogging, cycling or swimming to increase your cardiovascular fitness, and strength training with either weights or doing callisthenic exercises at home or in the park. Callisthenics, like push-ups or chin-ups, use your body weight against gravity and don't require equipment so you can do them anywhere.
For flexibility, Tzar says it's important to do stretches that work on the muscle groups that have common problems with flexibility: the shoulder and chest area, the hips and knees, the back, as well as the gluteals, hamstrings and hip flexors.

Losing weight
Tzar says that getting fit and losing weight go hand in hand.
"But it's important to remember that it's body-fat loss, not muscle loss that's important for your health. If you just diet and don't exercise, a lot of the weight you lose could be muscle tissue and fluid."
It's also important to remember that both structured exercise, like going for a jog, and incidental exercise, like walking to the shops to buy dinner, are both important and you shouldn't increase one at the expense of the other, says Tzar.
"Some people might start driving to the shops because they're tired from exercise, and then find that their general physical activity levels haven't increased. Remember to keep taking the stairs because that kind of exercise is also really important."
So just how much exercise do you need to lose weight?
One important factor in losing weight is how you balance stocking up on energy and burning it off. If you're eating more than you burn off with your current amount of exercise, you're most likely putting on weight. If you do more exercise – so that you're burning more energy than what's in the food that goes in your mouth – eventually you'll burn off body fat.
If you're after a rough guideline, take the minimum daily requirement – 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week – and double or even triple it, depending on how frisky you're feeling. At 30 minutes a day you're protecting yourself against heart disease and other illness and at 60 to 100 minutes you'll be waving goodbye to those jiggly bits.

Fighting depression
Regular exercise can be an effective way to treat some forms of depression. Physical activity causes brain pleasure centres to be stimulated and leads to feelings of wellbeing. Exercise can also be an effective treatment for anxiety. Some research studies indicate that regular exercise may be as effective as other treatments like medication to relieve milder depression. Generally, exercise has a place in treatment as part of a comprehensive approach to the illness.